
Make Eugene’s Parks Exceptional

Creating a lasting legacy through our parks and recreation amenities is a wise and impactful investment. There are various meaningful ways to express your support, and we are committed to making your experience as smooth and rewarding as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any assistance you may need.

Give Online Now

Give by Check

Donate Stock

Leave a Gift in Your Will 

Donor Advised Fund

Oregon Cultural Trust Tax Credit

Donate from Your IRA

Give Online Now

Send a Check

Send a check to:

Eugene Parks Foundation
PO Box 11618
Eugene, OR 97440-3818

Please specify how you want your donation to be used (EPF Greatest Need, A specific project or initiative).  

Donate Stock

Consider making a lasting impact by donating stocks to the Eugene Parks Foundation. By contributing appreciated securities, you can support our mission to enhance public spaces in Eugene while potentially receiving significant tax benefits.

When you donate stocks that have increased in value since you purchased them, you avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold the stocks. This means you can deduct the full market value of the stock at the time of the donation from your taxable income, rather than just the amount you originally invested.

This dual advantage allows you to maximize the impact of your donation while minimizing your tax liability. By donating stocks, you can contribute more to causes you care about without reducing your cash reserves, making it a win-win situation for both you and the nonprofit organization. 

Planned Giving

Support Eugene Parks Foundation

Planned or deferred giving enables you to arrange charitable contributions in a manner that maximizes personal objectives and financial goals. Many plans provide flexibility during your lifetime, and the Eugene Parks Foundation will realize their benefit sometime in the future. The most common types of deferred plans are bequests, retirement plan designations, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable gift annuities.

Will/Estate Planning

A bequest in your will or naming the Eugene Parks Foundation in your living trust are the easiest and most popular deferred gift plans. Donors may name the Eugene Parks Foundation as a percentage beneficiary, for a specific dollar amount or specific assets, or as a residual or contingent recipient. 

Retirement Plan Assets

Retirement accounts often are subject to income and estate taxes, which may be avoided or reduced through a deferred gift. Naming the Eugene Parks Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement account can provide a meaningful gift to the Eugene Parks Foundation and produce significant tax savings for you and your heirs.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable trust to benefit the Eugene Parks Foundation is established when you transfer assets (cash, securities or real estate) to a trust where the assets are invested to pay an annual, lifetime, or term-of-years income to you or other beneficiaries. When the trust matures, the remaining trust assets are distributed by the trustee according to your wishes. There are a number of charitable trusts available to meet your individual needs.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A gift annuity is a simple, contractual agreement between one or two donors and the Eugene Parks Foundation in which assets are transferred in exchange for a lifetime annuity. Donors receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction and the rates are based on the age of the donor(s) at establishment.

Donor Advised Fund

Guide to Making a Donation from Your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Thank you for considering donating to Eugene Parks Foundation through your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). Using a DAF is a flexible and tax-efficient way to support our mission. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you donate from your DAF easily and effectively.

  • Benefits of a DAF:
    • Immediate tax deductions for contributions.
    • Ability to grow your contributions tax-free before recommending grants.
    • Flexibility in timing your donations to maximize impact.


First option: Use our secured interface here to initiate the process for you. 

Second option: Recommend a Grant to the Eugene Parks Foundation

  • Log In to Your DAF Account: Access your DAF account through the sponsoring organization (e.g., Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, etc.).
  • Search for Eugene Parks Foundation: Use the search function in your DAF account to find our organization. You may need the following information:
    • Legal Name of Nonprofit: Eugene Parks Foundation
    • Tax ID Number: 72-1551436
    • Mailing Address: P.O Box 11618, Eugene, OR, 97440
  • Recommend a Grant: Specify the amount you want to donate and recommend the grant to [Your Nonprofit’s Name]. You can usually provide additional instructions, such as directing the funds to a specific program or project if you’d like.

Notify Eugene Parks Foundation

  • Inform Us of Your Donation: After recommending a grant, please let us know so we can track and acknowledge your generous contribution.

Receive Your Acknowledgment

  • Acknowledgment Letter: Once we receive the grant from your DAF, we will send you an acknowledgment letter to let you know we’ve received it. This letter will include your donation details, and we would like to thank you for your support.

Consult Your DAF Provider for Details

  • Provider-Specific Guidance: Each DAF sponsoring organization may have slightly different processes for recommending grants. Consult your DAF provider’s guidelines or customer service if you have questions or need assistance.

Benefits of Donating Through Your DAF

  • Strategic Giving: DAFs allow you to plan your giving and make impactful donations over time.
  • Tax Efficiency: Receive immediate tax deductions when contributing to your DAF, and recommend grants when most beneficial for you.
  • Support What Matters Most: Your grant will directly support our mission to [Briefly Describe Your Mission or Programs].

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions or need assistance with the DAF donation process, please don’t hesitate to contact Ariel Lissman, EPF’s Executive Director, at 541-239-3451 or ariel@eugeneparksfoundation.org. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Oregon Cultural Trust Tax Credit Program

The Oregon Cultural Trust tax credit program offers a unique tax advantage opportunity to donate to the Eugene Parks Foundation and the Oregon Cultural Trust.

Individuals may donate up to $500 and joint filers up to $1,000 to each organization and receive an Oregon State tax credit in the amount of the Oregon Cultural Trust donation. 

Depending on the individual’s tax status additional deductions may make the donation even more advantageous. 

The Eugene Parks Foundation is a qualifying match organization. This credit will amount to a minimum of half the donated amount and depending on your deduction method, the net cost for your donation could approach zero. Go to www.culturaltrust.org for more details.

Make A Donation From Your IRA

Thank you for considering donating to Eugene Parks Foundation through your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Donating directly from your IRA can be a tax-smart way to support our mission. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you make your IRA donation easily and effectively.

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

  • Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): If you are 70½ years or older, you can donate up to $105,000 per year directly from your IRA to a qualified charity like [Your Nonprofit’s Name]. This type of donation is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).
  • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD): If you are 73 or older, your QCD can count toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year, potentially reducing your taxable income.

Step 2: Contact Your IRA Custodian

  • Request a Direct Transfer: Contact the financial institution that manages your IRA and request a direct transfer to [Your Nonprofit’s Name]. This can usually be done via a distribution form or by speaking with your custodian directly.

  • Provide Necessary Information: You will need to provide your custodian with the following details:

    • Legal Name of Nonprofit: Eugene Parks Foundation
    • Tax ID Number:72-1551436
    • Mailing Address: P.O Box 11618, Eugene, OR 97440
    • Contact Information: 541-239-3451, ariel@eugeneparksfoundation.org
  • Specify the Donation Amount: Please let me know what you’d like to donate. Remember, the donation must be transferred directly from your IRA to Eugene Parks Foundation to qualify as a QCD.

Step 3: Notify Eugene Parks Foundation

  • Let Us Know: After you initiate the donation, please inform us of your intent. This helps us properly track and acknowledge your gift. You can notify us by contacting Ariel Lissman, EPF Executive Director at 541-239-3451, ariel@eugeneparksfoundation.org

Step 4: Receive Your Acknowledgment

  • Donation Receipt: We will send you an acknowledgment letter once your donation is received. This letter will confirm the amount of your donation and state that no goods or services were provided in exchange, preserving the tax-free status of your QCD.

Step 5: Consult Your Tax Advisor

  • Get Professional Advice: While QCDs can offer tax benefits, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor to understand how this donation method fits into your overall financial and tax planning.

Benefits of Donating Through Your IRA

  • Tax Advantages: A QCD can reduce your taxable income, even if you don’t itemize deductions.
  • RMD Fulfillment: Your donation can count toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), making it a smart way to fulfill your RMD while supporting [Your Nonprofit’s Name].
  • Impactful Giving: Your donation will directly support our mission to [Briefly Describe Your Mission or Programs].

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or need help with the donation process. We’re here to make the process as smooth as possible.